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You downloaded the First Aid Arts Mini Toolkit! YAY!

Let’s walk through it together.

Art is medicine… FOR YOU TO TAKE!

First Aid Arts exists to teach people how to respond to stress and trauma using arts-based tools grounded in the latest evidence-based research.

We are honored to share this resource with you to care for your mental and emotional well-being.

For Toolkit support in Spanish, click here.To

You have the power to boost your mental and emotional immune system,
and build resilience in yourself and in your community.

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Explaining the Response Zones &
Window of Tolerance Scale

In this video, Ruth Yeo-Peterman gives a short explanation of the Window of Tolerance scale and how to use it as part of your First Aid Arts Toolkit.

It is normal for our brains and bodies to react to stress, fear, or threat by moving into survival mode or fight/flight/freeze. Practice your skills in self-awareness and self-regulation with this simple tool, and build your ability to respond with intention rather than react out of fear.

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Assess whether you may be having trouble coping with stress and find additional resources

Access additional resources for helping children and families cope

Articles and Books on the science behind art and traumatic stress

Responder Toolkit - Available in multiple languages
Quick View
Responder Toolkit - Available in multiple languages
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Take the next step to learn more!

Check out our newest online offering!

Our introductory workshop is a great starting point for care providers who want to learn more about how the arts are an accessible tool for responding to stress and fostering mental health.


First Aid Arts Instagram:

Practice these tools with us on social media: 

In the following days and weeks of physical distancing and quarantine, connect with us on Instagram or Facebook to practice these arts-based activities that help us build more resilience as individuals and communities.

Instagram: @firstaidarts


#firstaidartstoolkit #lovecreatively #wearefirstaidarts

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